Veränderte Selbstbilder (1997)

Christiane Windhausen. Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Psychologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
A further study of the Hoffman Quadrinity Process, and probably the most significant long-term study to date was written in 1997 as the dissertation of the German psychologist Christiane Windhausen, at the Wilhelms-University Muenster in Westphalia. Ms. Windhausen studied theology before receiving a degree in psychology.

Her dissertation is based on studies carried out with 65 randomly selected clients, all of whom completed the Hoffman Quadrinity Process in its present form during 1994 and 1995.

It includes relevant research data from the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale and the Giessen-Test as well as using diagnostic tools from the Symptom Checklist SCL90R. This is an Insecurity- Questionnaire used in assertiveness-training as a form of self assessment which falls into three main categories:

1. The relationship with parents
2. The relationship with the inner-self 3. The relationship with siblings.

The main purpose of this study was to compile data relating to the self confidence and self perception of each client before the Process, immediately following it and six months on, (some of the clients, again selected at random, were also followed up a year later) which qualifies this project as a long term study.

The ratings on the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale showed that the Hoffman Quadrinity Process graduates, in all cases, had not only made a rapid improvement, but had also remained stable throughout subsequent tests and studies. The study produced highly significant data regarding the corresponding improvements on handling general problems-management scale (FSAP), confidence in behavior when facing decision-making (FSVE), and in general self-worth ratings (FSSW).

The data also proved that the Hoffman Quadrinity Process produced significantly greater changes in its graduates than a controlled group undergoing a comparable three month group therapy at the Fliednerkrankenhaus Hospital. (The hospital used the same data and diagnostic tools to record their own clients' progress.) The System-Checklist proved that between the first and second assignments compulsive behavior and depression were reduced, and a steady improvement continued thereafter. However, the most important result in the Insecurity Questionnaire showed that for those on the Hoffman Quadrinity Process, it produced an immediate and significant reduction in anxiety that continues past the end of therapy.

Summing up Windhausen explains:
It is evident that the depth of therapy achieved during the 8 intensive days of the Quadrinity Process, is at least equal to three months of group therapy at Fliednerkrankenhaus Hospital. On all 38 scales, assessments recorded from the Hoffman Quadrinity Process graduates were higher than those of the therapy controlled group, and in 11 out of the 38 groups, there are significant differences in the ratings in favor of the Hoffman Quadrinity Process. Among other things these ratings relate to self- worth, self-confidence, sensitivity and mood, spirituality and intimate relationships and other kinds of friendships.

Most importantly, it should be noted that in particular, relationships with parents were immensely improved. It is also evident that the changes in attitude produced by the Quadrinity Process provides an inner stability and ongoing improvement after the process.

compulsive behavior and anxiety. Here the Hoffman Quadrinity Process also appears to bring about effective long termed improvements. She also shows that through the Hoffman Quadrinity Process, participants experience a rapid increase of their 'social-resonance' - that is to say, they are more open towards other people after the Process; they are more able to express their needs, as well as having more intense experiences.

In addition, it has been shown that partners in heterosexual relationships have become more relaxed, with a greater capacity for devotion and commitment. These changes remain constant throughout the six months following the Process.

With regard to the relationship with the self, results from six out of seven scales also show stable improvements throughout this six month period. Improvements in self-worth and self-acceptance, day to day health and the flexibility of the participants were estimated by themselves as being greater directly after the Process than at the third assessment, nevertheless, the ratings remain well above those initially taken before the Process. Ratings for the ability to be in touch with emotions as well as the ability to express emotions remained generally steadfast which clearly shows that the Hoffman Quadrinity Process enables a steady development of emotional competence to flourish.

And finally, Windhausen affirms that: All the questionnaires and other test-procedures have shown that:

The Hoffman Quadrinity Process is both effective and successful.

Almost all the scales show significant changes in ratings which the participants are able to maintain and consolidate after the Hoffman Quadrinity Process has finished. This means that participants experience a significant reduction of negative symptoms in all the different categories studied.

The most noticeable improvements are evident in the categories of self-confidence, a sense of self- worth and self-acceptance. The Hoffman Quadrinity Process therefore, has proved itself to be a highly effective program to improve the ability to form relationships, as well as to develop greater emotional competence. This is reflected in self-reflection, an openness to experience, problem-and conflict-management, productivity, adaptability and taking responsibility, etc.